Business Continuity Management

What Organization Eventually Achieves

The goal of BCM is to provide organizations with the ability to respond to threats, enable them to react quickly and efficiently in the event of unpredictable events, and help ensure the business can maintain critical functions and continue its daily business operations to the best of its ability.

How we see it

Our BCM approach has been designed utilizing key Business Continuity Management (BCM) concepts in the following leading practices/standards: (1) BCI Good Practice Guidelines, (2) DRI International Professional Practices, (3) ISO 22301 / BS 25999, (3) IIA Guide to BCM, and (4) ASIS Business Continuity Guidelines. The Our BCM approach comprises a set of components designed to establish, manage, and maintain operational resilience and disaster recovery capabilities for the Customer Organization's services.

What organizations need to do

Recent pandemics and geo-political events have brought the sustainability of long-lived business practices into question and require a refresh to stay in business during highly disrupting times.

How can we assist

Our BCM methodology and framework consist of main building blocks. So, for organizations choosing to implement the BCM framework and embed the same within all lines of defense, we recommend a pragmatic 3-tiered phased approach:


Conduct as-is BCM Assessment

The objective of the “Assess” stage is to define the detailed engagement charter and plan comprising the finalized startup date, the detailed engagement activities, the assignment of the engagement activities to the involved team members, scheduling of the engagement activities, and the engagement management and execution protocols that will be followed during this engagement. Obtain an understanding of organization’s business and strategic objectives, operating model, products & services, existing policies, procedures, and practices, within the scope of the engagement and accordingly develop the engagement program scope, and awareness sessions related to the engagement. So, our deliverables will include:

Engagement Charter and Plan

Request for Information (RFI) Document

Kick Off Meeting

BCMS Program management document

BCMS general awareness session

NavigateStep 02

Strategies and Roll-Out BCM Capability Ascension

The objective of the “Navigate” stage is to prepare the components gathered during the requirements. This would include conducting workshops, assessments, and reviews with the teams. Developing the methodology and execution of the requirements, for example, policies, procedures, and plans, and any additional documents required to develop a robust and structured package. So, our deliverables will include:

BIA Report (including BIA methodology)

RA Report (including RA methodology)

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan

Emergency Management Plan

Crisis Management Plan

Coordination with External Agencies document

Maintenance and Exercise Plan (including test reports)

AdaptStep 03

Fortify BCM Capabilities

True strength of any well-defined BCM program rests on the preparedness for which we The objective of the “Adapt” stage is to develop way-forward plan, establish and maintain the program awareness and conduct exercise/testing sessions to validate the effectiveness of the initiative within the customer organization. Finalize and initiate the closure of the engagement, by obtaining and incorporating customer organization feedback on the engagement evaluation report, the work product of the stages, and obtaining sign-off on the completion of all engagement activities. So, our deliverables will include:

Awareness and training documents

Continuous and Audit Program (including way forward roadmap)

Issue log and concerns

Program evaluation reports

Final version of the work products and engagement closure